
“ Brazilian driver Rafael Cliff joint Edam Racing with Spirit Gold Edition 2010”

“ Brazilian driver Rafael Cliff joint Edam Racing with Spirit Gold Edition 2010”

1/8 Results from the nationals in U.K.

1/8th Mendip

Luke Longley 7th B final
Dan Ghibaldan 2nd C final
Ian Billet 5th C final
Jason Hurley 5th D final
Graham Hurley 6th final
Chris Moore 2nd E final

1/10 Results from the nationals in U.K.

1/10th Cotswolds

Luke Longley 2nd A final 200mm foam class
Ian Billett 2nd A final 200mm rubber class
Jason Hurley 7th A final Sports/GT class[using Spirit as a 220mm car]
Graham Hurley 4th B final 200mm foam class